The future of education: 2030 & Beyond

By Razia Pillay Former CEO  of IAB South Africa

The future of education is not a distant dream; it's happening right now. The question is: Are we ready to lead the change?

In my late 20s, I realized there was more to inner strength than I had previously understood. Two decades later, I have continued to unpack my potential—something I could have done much earlier. Had I started sooner, I would have already set in motion a shift in education for the next generation, giving my own children the advantage of a radically new way of learning.

This realization is not just personal; it reflects a broader issue. Many individuals unlock their full potential later in life, with women reaching peak earnings at an average age of 44 and men at 55. Additionally, the average age for management in their own respective fields is 45.4 years, with men averaging 46.2 years and women 44.3 years. But our children do not need—nor deserve—a delayed start toward their full potential. The current schooling system is not designed to prepare them for the world they will inherit. Instead, it feeds a job market that perpetuates burnout, anxiety, mass exodus, and poor workplace management.

Pause for a moment and imagine life in 2030. How will the world have changed? What new jobs will emerge? More importantly, how will your child thrive in this evolving landscape? Technology is advancing at an unprecedented pace, and AI has become the bridge between human potential and efficiency.

Now think beyond that. Would a new graduate—whether a lawyer, doctor, engineer, content creator, marketing specialist, actor, politician, or inventor—thrive in this new world under the current education system? The answer is no.

Leaders in education have already begun a massive shift to address today’s challenges, ensuring that parents are equipped to embrace better opportunities for their children. Innovative education models are emerging—ones that break free from the outdated, industrial-era curriculum that has dominated for generations.

The future of education is a fusion of human intelligence, technology, AI, and inner development. Imagine a school of quantum dynamics, where each child's potential is harnessed from an early age, cultivating visionary leaders, fostering collaboration, and preparing responsible cohorts of young minds who will shape the future of AI and beyond.

This transformation is already underway, and it’s time to accelerate it. The leaders of tomorrow deserve better, and the responsibility lies with us today. The shift is happening—will you be part of it?

I invite education leaders, innovators, and visionaries to collaborate with me in paving the way forward. Let’s build the future together.