Manisha Alexandra Joshi: Trailblazing Organizational Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion

The realm of communications stands as a pivotal arena for shaping narratives, fostering connections, and driving impactful change. Within this dynamic industry, a concerted focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion has emerged as a cornerstone of organizational success and societal progress.

At the forefront of this transformative movement stands Manisha Alexandra Joshi, whose unwavering commitment to fostering inclusive environments has redefined the paradigm of diversity and inclusion within the communications sector. As the Business Director and Head of Diversity Equity & Inclusion, she has demonstrated unparalleled dedication to advancing diversity initiatives, championing equitable practices, and empowering individuals from underrepresented backgrounds.

Against the backdrop of the communications industry’s evolving landscape, Ketchum GmbH, under discussion, has emerged as a trailblazer in fostering inclusive cultures and driving impactful change. Through strategic initiatives and a steadfast commitment to diversity and inclusion, the company has positioned itself as a beacon of progress within the communications sector, setting new standards for organizational excellence and societal impact.

Let’s understand Manisha’s exceptional perspective:

Driving Diversity

Manisha serves as the Business Director and Head of DEI at Ketchum, a prominent communications agency. As a key member of the leadership team, she assumes responsibility for spearheading initiatives pertaining to equality, diversity, and fairness within the organization.

Drawing upon her unique background of Indian and Austrian heritage, Manisha brings a nuanced perspective to her role, shaped by her experiences growing up as the sole non-white individual in a rural setting. This upbringing has instilled in her a deep commitment to addressing the lack of diversity prevalent in the Austrian communications landscape.

Manisha’s overarching objective is to foster awareness and implementation of diversity principles throughout Ketchum’s daily operations. Recognizing diversity as not only a moral imperative but also a substantial competitive advantage, she endeavors to embed diversity seamlessly into the agency’s overarching corporate strategy.

In her capacity, Manisha provides consultative services to both national and international clients, offering expertise in areas such as corporate communications, brand positioning, CEO branding, and employer branding. Central to her counsel is the integration of diversity considerations, ensuring that clients develop comprehensive strategies that benefit all stakeholders.

Embracing Authenticity for Success

Manisha advocates for the inherent value of every individual, irrespective of their background, identity, sexuality, age, disabilities, gender, or experiences. This belief underpins her fervent dedication to fostering an environment characterized by respect, value, and empowerment, where individuals can authentically express themselves.

Throughout her career journey, Manisha has encountered perceptions of being too different, loud, fast, or motivated. However, she is steadfast in her commitment to ensuring that her team feels encouraged to embrace their uniqueness, as she believes there is no such thing as being too different. She firmly believes that authenticity breeds excellence, as individuals who are true to themselves can channel their energy into their work effectively.

Manisha’s unwavering dedication to principles of fairness, equity, and inclusion stems not only from their intrinsic importance but also from their proven ability to drive successful outcomes. She firmly asserts that fostering an inclusive environment isn’t just advantageous—it’s a moral imperative that aligns with her values and principles.

Advocating for Change

Manisha, in her previous professional endeavors, encountered instances of sexual harassment, an issue prevalent across the Austrian PR industry. Despite the occurrence of such incidents and the lack of substantial reforms within the sector, she remains undeterred in her commitment to advocate for change. These experiences, though disillusioning, serve as catalysts for her resolve to drive transformation.

Manisha firmly believes that diversity and inclusion are not merely superficial topics but necessitate profound and uncomfortable changes in entrenched behaviors and attitudes. Recognizing the imperative for progress, she remains resolute in her determination to combat discrimination and effect meaningful change.

Joining Ketchum has further fueled Manisha’s passion and dedication. The alignment of her values with those of the company reinforces her conviction in the significance of her mission, amplifying her motivation to contribute to positive change.

Advancing Workplace Inclusivity

Manisha emphasizes a comprehensive approach to measuring the impact of Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) efforts. This involves utilizing both quantitative and qualitative indicators. Employee surveys are conducted regularly, supplemented by qualitative measures to evaluate the representation of underrepresented groups. Moreover, external visibility is actively sought through studies and data presentations to underscore the significance of these initiatives.

One notable achievement is the establishment of strategic partnerships with other companies, including the founding of initiatives such as WEconomy. This collaborative endeavor, spearheaded by businesses, is dedicated to advancing diversity in the workplace. Through WEconomy, Manisha has galvanized a movement that has united over 100 Diversity Leaders from diverse organizations. Together, they are committed to effecting change within the Austrian economy, advocating for increased fairness and inclusivity in work environments.

Embracing Intersectionality

Manisha underscores the importance of incorporating intersectionality into the company’s Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) approach. This involves recognizing individuals’ multifaceted identities and experiences by analyzing how various social identities intersect to shape discrimination and privilege.

Tailoring initiatives to address diverse needs, ensuring inclusive language and representation, and providing training on intersectionality are integral components of this approach. Recognizing the complexity of individuals’ identities and experiences is crucial for effectively addressing systemic barriers. By embracing intersectionality, Ketchum aims to create inclusive environments where everyone’s unique perspectives are valued and respected, fostering a culture of equity and belonging for all.

Empowering Unique Perspectives

In her role, Manisha prioritizes empowering and mentoring women and underrepresented individuals. She supports them in embracing their uniqueness and takes pride in showcasing diverse talents.

Manisha’s approach includes providing mentorship and sponsorship, facilitating networking opportunities, offering tailored skills development, and advocating for gender equity and diversity. She firmly believes that diversity is a strength, as it brings a wealth of viewpoints, creativity, and ideas to the table.

Recognizing the importance of reflecting the colorful diversity of the world within companies at every level, Manisha’s strategies aim to cultivate a supportive and inclusive environment where all individuals can thrive.

Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange

Manisha places a high priority on collaboration and knowledge exchange with other diversity leaders. Being associated with a global company like Ketchum enables her to stay abreast of advancements in the field, particularly in the more advanced landscape of the US. She acknowledges that Austria may sometimes lag in this regard.

Manisha emphasizes the importance of staying informed through continuous reading and seeking out information. She believes in surrounding herself with courageous individuals, engaging with role models, and embracing diverse perspectives. By leveraging collective strength, she envisions working towards a future that is more inclusive.

Essential Strategy Elements

As a Head of DEI, Manisha emphasizes the critical elements of an effective D&I strategy. These include lived values, CEO buy-in, inclusivity across all organizational levels, and strategic planning with measurable outcomes.

Manisha stresses that for a D&I strategy to succeed, it is imperative that the majority of stakeholders understand and embrace its principles, recognizing how diversity benefits all. A comprehensive strategy involves rigorous analysis, setting clear goals, and defining key performance indicators (KPIs). Mere activities are insufficient; they must strategically align and integrate into the company culture.

Ultimately, fostering a culture of inclusivity and belonging necessitates commitment from leadership, active participation from all employees, and a strategic approach that permeates every facet of the organization’s operations.

Advocacy and Role Modeling

Manisha actively engages in diversity-focused events, panels, and discussions, where she shares insights and advocates for change. Utilizing social media platforms, she endeavors to raise awareness and amplify diverse voices, fostering dialogue and catalyzing positive change beyond the boundaries of the workplace.

In addition to her professional endeavors, Manisha aspires to serve as a role model both in her professional capacity and private life. She endeavors to demonstrate that success in Austria is attainable for individuals of diverse backgrounds, including women of color with foreign names, not by conforming but by embracing their authentic selves and honoring their cultures and beliefs.

Through these multifaceted efforts, Manisha seeks to inspire others and contribute to the creation of a more inclusive society.

Shaping an Inclusive Future

Manisha envisions a future where diversity and inclusion are fundamental to both organizational frameworks and societal norms. Within companies, she anticipates the emergence of diverse leadership teams, the implementation of comprehensive D&I strategies, and the cultivation of inclusive cultures where every individual feels valued.

In broader society, Manisha hopes for widespread acceptance, empathy, and celebration of diversity, accompanied by the dismantling of systemic inequalities and the prevalence of social justice. However, she acknowledges that in Austria, workplace discrimination, particularly against women, remains pervasive, characterized by significant wage gaps and disparities in opportunity. Addressing these issues demands a collective responsibility to reassess work structures and prioritize inclusivity.

Manisha emphasizes the necessity for bold and visionary individuals and companies to spearhead change, creating environments where diversity and inclusion transition from mere aspirations to tangible realities, thereby empowering all individuals to thrive. Through collective effort and steadfast commitment, she believes in the possibility of forging a future where diversity is embraced and equal opportunities for success are accessible to everyone.