Dr. Tamara Fletcher: Cultivating Authenticity and Inclusivity

Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion!

In today’s modern landscape, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) have emerged as crucial pillars shaping organizational culture and success. This paradigm shift underscores the importance of fostering an environment where every individual feels valued, empowered, and respected. Amidst these transformative times, leaders like Dr. Tamara Fletcher have played pivotal roles in driving DEI initiatives forward.

With a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to DEI principles, Dr. Tamara Fletcher serves as a beacon of inspiration within her field. Holding the position of Director of Global DEI Advancement at CDW, Tamara brings strategic vision and unparalleled dedication to her role. Her journey into the realm of DEI has been marked by resilience, purpose, and a relentless pursuit of authenticity. Tamara’s journey is intricately intertwined with the mission and values of the organization she represents. As a leader in the space, Tamara embodies the ethos of progress, empowerment, and inclusivity. Her dedication to creating positive change echoes throughout her professional endeavors and personal convictions alike. Through her leadership, Tamara strives to cultivate environments where diversity thrives, equity is championed, and inclusion is a lived reality for all.

Let’s delve deeper to learn more:

Driving DEI Forward

Tamara holds responsibility for the development and execution of the company’s broader DEI  Strategy. Her strategic oversight encompasses three key areas. Firstly, she focuses on fostering an inclusive culture within the organization. Secondly, she is dedicated to attracting and empowering diverse talent while simultaneously creating strategies to ensure an equitable and inclusive experience for coworkers throughout their tenure. Lastly, Tamara works diligently to integrate DEI principles into CDW’s overall business model.

Tamara also collaborates closely with functional leaders, serving as a consultant and business partner on all matters related to DEI within their respective domains while also spearheading CDW’s Global DEI strategy.

Tamara’s journey into her current role began through her active involvement in CDW’s Business Resource Groups (BRGs). Seeking a path towards authenticity as a Black Lesbian, she found solace and empowerment within the BRGs, where she could embrace her identity, recognize her unique value, and contribute to fostering a culture of inclusivity. Recognizing her contributions within the BRGs, Tamara was approached to join the DEI team when a position became available. Despite her background in chemistry, Tamara’s career trajectory shifted towards DEI, aligning with her newfound purpose in life and career.

Fostering Authenticity and Inclusivity

Tamara firmly believes in the notion that everything unfolds according to a greater purpose. As a proud and unapologetic Black Lesbian, she champions authenticity in the workplace—a journey that hasn’t been devoid of challenges. Tamara’s personal experiences, which were not without trauma and societal judgment, have shaped her advocacy for openness, support, and allyship.

Driven by her own encounters with exclusion, Tamara is committed to fostering an environment of inclusivity and acceptance. Her engaging and welcoming approach not only cultivates a sense of value and appreciation among colleagues but has also become synonymous with her professional brand. This ethos has earned her credibility as a leader, allowing her to authentically integrate DEI principles into her work in myriad ways.

Empowering DEI Evolution

Tamara has served as a leader in DEI at CDW for over a decade, reflecting on a transformative journey within the organization. Throughout this time, CDW has embarked on an evolution, initially emphasizing the importance of building connections—a cornerstone of its overarching strategy. Subsequently, the focus shifted towards raising awareness and empowering leaders and coworkers to recognize their roles in nurturing DEI.

Equipped with enhanced knowledge and understanding acquired through these foundational connections, CDW grew into a more strategic phase. This phase is aimed at fostering a sense of belonging for all coworkers while also seeking to integrate DEI principles into its business practices, including our commitments to the communities, customers, and partners that CDW serves.

Fostering Positive Outcomes

The strategy revolves around fostering a culture of DEI to stimulate enhanced collaboration, innovation, and business outcomes. CDW is actively engaged in creating environments where coworkers feel a sense of belonging, emphasizing sustainability and meaningful engagement. As part of its DEI commitment, CDW prioritizes providing spaces where colleagues can openly and safely share their thoughts and needs, fostering cultural humility, empathy, and genuine relationships across the organization. CDW implements comprehensive training programs to support employees throughout their DEI journeys. The promotion of BRGs, which Tamara has had responsibility for throughout her entire DEI career, stands as a key pillar. These BRGs are open to all coworkers and serve as invaluable platforms for networking, exposure, and community-building.

Notably, the influence of BRGs has been instrumental in enhancing a sense of belonging at CDW. Their impact is evident in the growing membership and increased engagement among CDW coworkers in DEI initiatives and programming. These efforts not only benefit CDW as an organization but also empower coworkers and create a sense of community, allowing coworkers to envision their future success at CDW with renewed enthusiasm.

Nurturing Diversity and Action

As we discussed CDW’s DEI journey with Dr. Fletcher, she highlighted that it is difficult to pinpoint just one example of how the DEI strategy has positively impacted the culture at CDW.

More recently, amidst significant social unrest and divergence, Tamara has been at the helm of ensuring that CDW has taken proactive measures to address these challenges, providing spaces for coworkers to get involved. The company initiated educational efforts, including global town halls and the establishment of an enterprise-wide DEI education and awareness program. This program offers training and resources for individual coworkers to actively promote inclusion within CDW.

Furthermore, CDW introduced a quarterly campaign known as Educate/Participate/Advocate, providing a framework for coworkers to engage in educational activities, participate in initiatives, and become advocates for others. The BRGs continue to play a vital role in supporting coworkers, amplifying their voices, and fostering involvement.

Moreover, these strategic efforts have empowered various functions to amplify DEI efforts throughout the organization. Consequently, several functional DEI coalitions have emerged, facilitating concerted action across different areas of the company.

Fostering Belonging and Inclusion

Driven in part by CDW’s dedication to DEI and Tamara’s leadership, there’s a deliberate emphasis on fostering a sense of belonging among coworkers, enabling them to leverage their full potential within the workplace. The company actively seeks opportunities to collaborate with partners and customers, aiming to collectively advance these initiatives. Additionally, CDW invests resources in community endeavors to create innovation, economic growth, and social inclusivity.

Overall, CDW remains steadfast in its commitment to ensuring every coworker feels valued and embraced for their uniqueness. With a focused approach and heightened accountability, CDW is confident in its ability to drive improved business outcomes and cultivate a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment.

Navigating DEI Challenges with Integrity

Effectively addressing challenges is an inherent aspect of leadership, one that Dr. Tamara Fletcher thrives upon. The persistent challenge lies in reconciling divergent perspectives and expectations. Tamara continuously seeks ways to address these challenges while upholding the value and integrity of DEI efforts, ensuring active engagement in the journey.

Striking a balance between coworker expectations and legal and business obligations remains a primary focus in navigating these challenges on a regular basis. While definitive solutions may remain elusive, Tamara remains dedicated to maintaining this delicate equilibrium in pursuit of meaningful progress.

Fostering Innovation Through Diversity

In the fast-paced realm of technology, change is the only constant. To stay relevant, organizations must exhibit agility, and innovation stands as a key enabler of this agility. True innovation arises when individuals feel empowered to contribute fresh perspectives and ideas. Effective and compliant DEI initiatives foster psychological safety and a sense of belonging, creating environments where diverse viewpoints can flourish. In such safe spaces, individuals are more inclined to share innovative ideas, ensuring organizational relevance and agility amidst continuous change.

While the importance of agility and industry relevance extends beyond the technology sector, Tamara believes that CDW’s purpose and commitment to DEI underscores the significance of technology in enabling greatness. CDW is committed to leveraging technology to empower individuals to achieve remarkable feats. Central to this commitment is the acknowledgment that equitable opportunities are essential for fostering greatness. Moreover, organizations in the technology industry possess a unique capacity to drive digital equity by providing access to technology in the communities where employees and customers reside and operate. One such example of this is CDW’s Legacy Excellence Program, launched in 2023 in partnership with four distinguished Historically Black Colleges and Universities to address challenges faced by HBCUs related to the digital divide, infrastructure gaps, and underrepresentation of diverse talent in STEM careers. The program combines technology investments, fellowships, scholarships, education, and career opportunities open to all of the member HBCU schools’ students to help build a more diverse and inclusive workforce at CDW.

Empowering DEI for the Future

Over the past decade, Dr. Tamara Fletcher has witnessed firsthand the growing appreciation for DEI among coworkers. The organization has actively engaged in courageous conversations, extended support when needed, adapted to changing social landscapes, and recognized the collective responsibility of fostering a culture of DEI and belonging.

Looking ahead, Tamara envisions a future where coworkers feel empowered to champion DEI in their daily interactions and strategic endeavors. She sees DEI becoming a fundamental component of the organizational fabric, with its principles ingrained at the forefront of all operations. With the momentum gained and the unwavering commitment of CDW to DEI and all coworkers, Tamara is confident that the organization is well-positioned to realize this vision in the next phase of its journey.

Sustainable Impact Through Persistence

In the realm of DEI work, the analogy of a marathon versus a sprint holds significant weight, particularly because immediate gratification is rarely achieved. Dr. Tamara Fletcher operates under the understanding that as a DEI leader, she may be sowing seeds whose fruition she may not witness firsthand. However, this realization doesn’t deter her from remaining steadfast in her commitment.

Organizations seeking quick fixes or easy victories are unlikely to generate sustainable impact. Instead, those willing to persist through change, opposition, and obstacles while basing their strategies on facts and data are positioning themselves to make enduring differences for generations to come.

Empowered by Purpose

Navigating modern-day challenges, Dr. Tamara Fletcher draws strength from her unwavering sense of purpose. As a leader in the DEI realm, she recognizes that every action and experience contributes to her personal growth and her ability to positively influence the lives of her colleagues. Tamara’s dedication is fueled by the purpose she sees in shaping a better future, both personally and professionally, not only for herself but for her family and all those they encounter.

While balancing personal and professional commitments can be demanding, Tamara finds solace in her loving and supportive family: her wife, Hollye, and their two daughters, Ryann (5) and Reese (2). They serve as a constant reminder of the purpose behind her pursuits as a DEI leader. In the workplace, Tamara ensures her team comprehends the significance of purpose in their personal and professional lives. She strives to create an environment where they feel empowered to make meaningful contributions in both spheres, allowing them to fully invest themselves in their work and personal pursuits.